Thursday, September 25, 2008

Class Notes: T 9/16/08

No class Tuesday 9/23 & Thursday 9/25, Prof Klinkowstein is in Honduras
Scan your sketch

Blog Reviews:
None today

Inside and Back Pages:
Make another document same as front page
Make box for sub headers:
Not larger than 1 1/2 column width
Font- Univers Bold (go to Suitcase if necessary)
20 pt or smaller
Make 2 text box columns:
2.125" w
left column: x=0.5 y=.833
font- Times New Roman
12 pt if it works
Link text box columns:
go to content tool (do not select text box yet)
go to text link tool
select 1st text box and then the 2nd
Paste text into first text column and it will flow into next as needed:
Edit text:
no broken words
edit text as necessary
check measurements and placement of elements
avoid one word on a line
Draw picture box:
either 1 or 2 column width
position, checking measurements
Make text box below picture box:
font = same as body text
1 1/2 pts smaller than body text
Make gray line:
2 column width
1 pt
Make text box for Sources

Command O = resizing page

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