Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Review: Seth Godin/Your Competive Advantage

Seth Godin's Blog, referenced in the above link, is about ‘Competitive Advantage’. Companies make a decision to hire you based on your competitive advantages over another firm.

In order for a company to make a decision to hire you or your company they want to know what your competitive advantages are, can you deliver them, are they unique, do they echo with their target market, and are the advantages big enough to warrant the cost of switching.

Some competitive advantages to build on or maintain, according to Godin are: talent, business relationships, lower costs, speed of work, organized product and organization, emotional intelligence of your salespeople or service people.

It's essential that you identify, build and maintain your competitive advantage to keep your edge. Find out as much as you can about your prospective employers to identify what they are looking for, how you can fulfill their needs and then emphasize those qualities.

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