Monday, September 15, 2008

Review: Core77/Store Design Magic By Martin Roberts

As Roberts reminds us- you never get a second chance to make a first impression. The design of your store's exterior and interior should tell the story of your brand. This article highlights important design elements for a store to ensure the customer enters, buys your product, and returns again.

You have to know who your target customer is and then provide them with a clear picture of your brand starting at the front door. Roberts heads a firm called Grid2, that helps companies reinvent their image to get the customer in the door and ultimately to buy their products and remain a loyal customer.

His suggestions for exterior design; updated architecture, clear entrance area, signage visible from a distance, welcoming landscaping, are key to getting the customer to stop at a store. How many of us have stopped a new store because it looks nice from the outside and we are curious as to what's inside? Once inside, it's important to continue telling your story to the customer or they will enter, turn around and leave. This is what Roberts refers to as "story telling" and through signage, layouts, colors, etc companies strive to provide a human connection with their customers.

Some of the companies/brands that Grid2 has successfully reinvented are Borders and Path Mark. After working with Roberts and his company Grid2, both companies have renovated their stores and have increased sales.

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