Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Class Notes: T 9/2/08: Here goes...my first blog

FA27 Prof. Klinkowstein

Design Industries:
Graphic Design
Product Design-used to be Industrial Design
Interior Design
Interactive Design-web, smart phone, motion graphics. Design of products and systems that people interact with.
Architectural Design-
Fashion Design-
Service Design-considers the entire relationship of the product to the consumer. Involves planning and organizing people, infrastructure, communication and material components of a service, in order to improve its quality, the interaction between service provider and customers and the customer's experience.

Design is 30% Denotation (facts, literal) vs 70% Connotation (suggestive)
Designing is about deciding what not to do
Fonts- 8 or 9 fonts are the most used because they don't get in the way of the message

72 dpi=web vs 1000dpi=magazine print

Lingua franca-Lingua franca refers to the language used within a specialized field.
Vetted-thoroughly checked out

Homework:due R 9/4
1.Set up Blog on blogger.com
shift apple 3: takes screen pic
shift apple 4: takes piece pic
2.Review and post 4 blogs/week
what they said,what I think about it
3.Start Brochure
about the thinking, ideas, concepts and special methodologies of chosen designer
4.Pick a designer
5.Get a book with pics
book pics have higher resolution than web pics (72 dpi) vs. magazine pics (1000 dpi)
6.Start to write a rough draft of 450-650 words

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