Monday, September 15, 2008

Class Notes: R 9/11/08

Sketch of layout due next class-T 9/16/08
Finish cover

Blog Reviews:
-Type face of Democratic National Convention versus Republican National Convention. McCain uses Optima (on Veteran's Memorial Wall). "Typeface is the window into the soul of the campaign". The taglines (diagrametric representations of a speech) were the same for both Obama's and McCain's speeches.
-Logotype of Dexter - capturing attention using logotypes of well known magazines

Quark- an organizing tool. A way of dividing up a layout for distinct units of measurement
Brand- is equivalant to how you present yourself. Corporations are entities with legal responsibilities. They started about 150 years ago. The clothes of a corporation is its logo.

text is unjustified right
header- san serif font, flush left
serif text body
edge of picture should be at 6" mark on ruler

Make a Grid in Quark:
open up new document
make a line
style-shade-10%= gray line
verticle offset .125
print 10 copies to use for layout

Command S - Save

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