Monday, September 15, 2008

Class Notes: T 9/9/08

Brochure rough draft due T 9/16/08
Copy picture files to hard drive

Blog Reviews:
-Concept "Gina" car; high end design thinking, not accepting the everyday materials;thinking flexible;context over dogma-new capabilities of choosing your own contex and making a car for a specific owner

*innovation- composed of 2 parts
1. use of imagination for engagement;separates it from fine art
2. direct application in society; practical innovation must have a pragmatic(practical not idealistic) application
innovation = imagination applied to a pragmatic application

Design has a pragmatic side along with a personal authored imaginative side

-typography is to design as equivilant as drawing is to fine arts
-need to have a fundamental understanding of typography
-not just letters but shapes
sans serif - without hooks
serif - with hooks; serifs came from the chisels used
Times New Roman- 2000 years old from the Roman Age
Small letters are easily read with serifs
50th of a second with serifs vs. 25th of a second without serifs
Italic is hard to read
Weights-Bold, heavy, block, medium, light; condensed, expanded
Gils Sans- seen in London underground
Helevetica- great for titles; IBM;designed in the 1950's
Prefered serif fonts:
Century Schoolbook- 100 years old; easy to read
Times New Roman- old fashioned; works all the time
Garamond- regal interpretation of Times New Roman; used in brochures of luxury autos
Rockwell- hard to use
Serif for body text
Futura-from 19th century; used by one company- Volkswagon
Universe- more elegant than Helevetica
*usually use only 2 fonts used in brochure

Suitcase Fusion Fonts to add fonts

Quark cover
11"w 8.5"h
margin - 0.5"
columns - 1
gutter width - 0.167"
Draw picture box across cover on right
view-show tools

Command S=save

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