Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Review: Business Week/Matt Vella's review of book "How Great Design Makes People Love Your Company"

The article
by Matt Vella "How Great Design Makes People Love Your Company" is a review of the book Do you matter? written by industrial designer Robert Brunner and corporate consultant Stewart Emery. They stress the importance of design in creating products and services that not only sell well but establish lasting relationships with consumers. They believe design should influence every aspect of customers' experiences with the company from its Web site and stores to product packaging and customer service.

This is the 'Service Design" we were talking about in class on Tuesday. It's about the whole experience of the consumer with the company, not just the product. Target,Lexus, and Apple are examples of successful companies who as a result of their emphasis on service design, have successful products and loyal customers who often pay a premium for their products. I am currently researching the possible purchase of an Apple laptop, and as a PC owner I find myself in awe of the shopping experience Apple offers, from their salespeople to their slick website. I realize that some of my favorite companies, like Starbucks and Whole Foods have appealed to me not only because of the products they offer but because of the whole experience of friendly salespeople to the humanitarian efforts the companies are involved with worldwide . This is definitely a book I would like to read when it comes out later this month.

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