Sunday, September 7, 2008

Class Notes: R 9/4/08

R 9/4/08:

1. scan photos for brochure
2. write a title & subhead (1-3 words)
pithy-short, punchy saying "Just Do It"
3. edit text

Blog Reviews:
Adrienne G.
-businesses parallel life
-*nano-1/billionth of a meter;*micron-1/millionth of a meter

Blog reviews: summarize them immediately and what they mean
Go over rough drafts

Scan images:
make sure scanner is turned on
file saved as: 
300 dpi
* eps file format
* psd file format -native langauge of Photoshop, creates layers that can be edited later
Put picture on *platten- glass plate on scanner
Photoshop-File-Import-your scanner
Hit preview
With mouse drag over area you wan to scan
Hit scan
Put it in the right orientation & crop if necessary
Get rid of :*moire effect-when one set of dots from a print goes over the others. When you try to print an already printed image Filter-Blur-Blur

* "God is in the details" Mies Van Der Rohe

Apple/Command E = ejects USB
Holding Opt Key = changes magnifier to zoom out

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