Friday, October 10, 2008

Class Notes: T 10/14/08

Thursday, Oct. 16th, 3p, Guest speaker, Nusrat Durrani, Senior VP + GM, MTV World
Thursday, Oct. 23rd NO CLASS, Tom K. lecturing out of the country
Thursday, Oct. 30th, 3p, Guest speaker, Lyle Owerko, Filmmaker, Photographer, Motion Graphics Designer

Project #2:
Screen Shot saved
Screen shot place in photo with author's name and word placed on the photo
Guest Speaker paper:
Write two, 100-150 word blog posts (one for each), summarizing the professional tips/career insights which each presenter speaks about. Also include one or two sentences regarding that speaker's "job description". Include three or more personal impressions of the speakers.

Quark is used for layout; Photoshop is used for manipulating images; Illustrator is used for logos

Work at 8"x8" and print at 6"x6" (makes artifacts less noticeable)
Use crop tool w=8 h=8 resolution=300
Darken (Burn) or Lighten (Dodge) as needed

1. Use Shift+Command+4 and drag mouse across clip shot
2 save file of pic in downloads folder
3. go to PS-Open it
4. Go to Crop tool, make it the right size(w=1.75 in and leave h blank and resolution (300)
5. Click on photo and paste into photo

Use text tool to put author's name in Helevetica Bold 9-11pt, change color as needed
Pick word from title and place it on photo. Use a bigger font 80-120pt. Generally word is centered.

Dodge (Lighten) or Burn (Darken) as needed using 10%. Put details in hair with Dodge tool/highlights. Also can use Filter/Rendr/Lighting Effects/Omni tool
Highlights, Shadows, Midtones
Color Balance if necessary. If taken in flourescent light add the opposite of green which is magenta. rgb/cmy

Kerning: Adjusts spacing between letters

Shift+ Command+4

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