Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Speaker: Nusrat Durrani, Sr. VP + GM, MTV World

October 14, 2008

Nusrat Durani, General Manager and senior VP  at MTV World, spoke to us about his career and the unconventional path that led to his job at MTV World. He grew up in India and had always had an interest in music because his father did. He was well educated and had a successful career with Honda when he first saw the 1993 MTV video "Let's Dance" by David Bowie. He researched MTV and knew he wanted to be a part of the company. He and his wife left India and their jobs to move to the United States so that he could pursue his dream of working for MTV. He eventually landed a job in MTV and the rest is history. The goal of MTV World is to connect people to music. He gave us insight as to the daily activities of his job which include every aspect of product development. He also showed us a pilot video of a new product launch called "MTV|Iggy". It is a show that is television and web based and exposes its' viewers to music and issues around the world. Mr. Durani had a very approachable style and really gave me the impression that he still loved his job and would help any of us if he could. One of the quotes I wrote down that stuck with me was "Finding your passion is an art". I found his presentation very enjoyable.

MTV|Iggy website: www.mtviggy.com

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Class Notes: T 10/21/08

Discussion on speaker reactions
Brochure grading
Demo of Assignment #2, part #2
No Class, R 10/23/08
Finish Part #2 for next meeting, 10/28/08

Eyes notice Faces,Letters & Numbers, Differences

To change background of 8x8 picture:
1. go to path tool select it.
2. to get rid of cut out look, magnify it and use blur tool

Friday, October 10, 2008

Class Notes: T 10/14/08

Thursday, Oct. 16th, 3p, Guest speaker, Nusrat Durrani, Senior VP + GM, MTV World
Thursday, Oct. 23rd NO CLASS, Tom K. lecturing out of the country
Thursday, Oct. 30th, 3p, Guest speaker, Lyle Owerko, Filmmaker, Photographer, Motion Graphics Designer

Project #2:
Screen Shot saved
Screen shot place in photo with author's name and word placed on the photo
Guest Speaker paper:
Write two, 100-150 word blog posts (one for each), summarizing the professional tips/career insights which each presenter speaks about. Also include one or two sentences regarding that speaker's "job description". Include three or more personal impressions of the speakers.

Quark is used for layout; Photoshop is used for manipulating images; Illustrator is used for logos

Work at 8"x8" and print at 6"x6" (makes artifacts less noticeable)
Use crop tool w=8 h=8 resolution=300
Darken (Burn) or Lighten (Dodge) as needed

1. Use Shift+Command+4 and drag mouse across clip shot
2 save file of pic in downloads folder
3. go to PS-Open it
4. Go to Crop tool, make it the right size(w=1.75 in and leave h blank and resolution (300)
5. Click on photo and paste into photo

Use text tool to put author's name in Helevetica Bold 9-11pt, change color as needed
Pick word from title and place it on photo. Use a bigger font 80-120pt. Generally word is centered.

Dodge (Lighten) or Burn (Darken) as needed using 10%. Put details in hair with Dodge tool/highlights. Also can use Filter/Rendr/Lighting Effects/Omni tool
Highlights, Shadows, Midtones
Color Balance if necessary. If taken in flourescent light add the opposite of green which is magenta. rgb/cmy

Kerning: Adjusts spacing between letters

Shift+ Command+4

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Class Notes: T 10/7/08

Thursday, October 16th & Thursday, October 30 we have Guest Speakers

Blog Review:
-Architect Frank Guery

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Paper: Milton Glaser - Notes

Milton Glaser Website: http://miltonglaserposters.com/

Bob Dylan Poster, 1966

I [heart] NY, 1975

I [heart] NY MORE THAN EVER, September 20, 2001. Revised design after the September 11, 2001 terrorist bombings.

Review: Seth Godin/What advertising can't fix


Microsoft is not like Apple Computer. It is wasting money on advertising ads that portray it as a hip company when it is not. Ads will not change the public's perception of Microsoft as an older, conservative, company. It's like watching an older woman or man dress like a teenager. They're trying to be someone they're not. Why not be the best of who you are?

Link to Jerry Seinfeld & Bill Gates MICROSOFT ad:

Link to Jerry Seinfeld & Bill Gates MICROSOFT Shoe Circus ad: