Saturday, November 1, 2008

Speaker: Lyle Owerko, filmmaker, photographer

October 30 2008

Lyle Owerko gave an insightful and inspirational talk about the development of his career and his thoughts on how we as design students might make the most of our journey in the design world. He discussed how design is making something out of our consciences, which is constantly evolving, using the different elements that we're into at the time. He considers himself foremost a photographer and is inspired by light, particular images and music. He encouraged us to be very observant and engaged in the world and to create work from our experiences. His typical day seems to differ each day but some things never change. He always has his camera with him and he is constantly checking his email and texts. Because he has different projects going on his job seems very interesting. He does a lot of meetings with other designers to discuss ideas for current and future projects. I liked the fact that he show us how his interests and passions led to paying assignments. Also what is admirable is his insistance on the importance of giving back something to your community or even the world community. He encouraged us to be continually creative in an active sense, not simply waiting for an assignment but to design something now. I enjoyed his presentation very much because I was able to see the possibility of a career forged out of different interests. I also liked his use of a PowerPoint presentation to share with us his design journey and examples of his work and inspirational images.

Lyle Owerko's website:

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