Monday, December 8, 2008

Review: WFS Outlook 2009

World Future Society recently published their top ten of future developments to keep an eye on in view of 2009 and beyond:

Some of the more interesting revelations that are relevant to the design industry are:

1.     Everything you say and do will be recorded by 2030. Because of  advances in nanotechnology, nanodevices will monitor and record people everywhere.— Gene Stephens, “Cybercrime in the Year 2025,” THE FUTURIST July-Aug 2008.

2.     The car’s days as king of the road will soon be over. A result of wireless communication, emission control restrictions, and futuristic flying delivery vehicles there will be reduced demand of the automobile— Thomas J. Frey, “Disrupting the Automobile’s Future,” THE FUTURIST, Sep-Oct 2008.

3.     Careers, and the college majors for preparing for them, are becoming more specialized. Niche majors  such as, entrepreneurship, nanotechnology and digital forensics will continue to grow.—THE FUTURIST, World Trends & Forecasts, Sep-Oct 2008.

4.     Professional knowledge will become obsolete almost as quickly as it’s acquired. Most professions willl require continual retraining and instruction due to rapid advances in technology.— Marvin J. Cetron and Owen Davies, "Trends Shaping Tomorrow's World, Part Two," THE FUTURIST May-June 2008.

5.     Access to electricity will reach 83% of the world by 2030. Electricity raises living standards and access to products and services.— Andy Hines, “Global Trends in Culture, Infrastructure, and Values,” Sep-Oct 2008.

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