Friday, November 28, 2008

Review: Core77/77 Gift Ideas Under $77
This is an enjoyable look at some great, inexpensive, highly creative and unique products on the market. Some of my favorites are the BottleBob Bottle Cap Punch and the ABC Button.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Class Notes: T 11/25/08

Stylized representations are highly simplified stylized representations and a photograph - you get involved - you participate
Understand the patterns
Illustrator is used for vector graphics, infinately sizeable


Select w/ arrow
Click on pic and hit delete
go to fill box
Stylize round corners
Convert anchor tool

Work on images for tagline

Brandmark Project: Living/Giving: Tagline in Brandscape

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Class Notes: T 11/18/08

Review new assignment
Finish grading Assignment #2
Tagline research
Create taglines
Place on Brandscape slide
Post on Blog
Next class find images for logos


Photoshop is raster (grid) based
Illustrator is vector based. they are mathematical equation so they can be scaled to infinity
The printer and the screen play a role in the sharpness
72 dots/inch screen is standard
Logotype has letters "GM"
Logo is picture or image 

Apple: "Think Differently"
3 words
3 syllables

Review: No more...

Eton Shirts, a Swedish company has developed a fabric that does not require ironing. It needs only body heat to remain wrinkle free and returns to its original shape after washing. This will result in a decrease in energy consumption because there will be less ironing. When products are developed that eliminate the need for human interaction there are pros and cons. There is the possibility that certain areas of business, in this case, ironing shops, manufacturers of presses, might become obsolete. On the other hand, the energy saved would be tremendous.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Brandmark Project: Tagline

A tagline is a variant of branding slogan. A memorable phrase that sum's up the tone and premise of a brand or product to reinforce the memory of a product.

My life. My card. American Express
Got Milk? California Milk Processor Board
The world on time. FedEx
Play. Laugh. Grow. Fisher-Price
Share moments. Share life. Kodak

It's the journey...Travel, growth
Step outside the box
living outside the box
In It.
Living It. Being who I am, Doing what matters to me, Giving back...
LIVING/GIVING. world; hand,2 hands, holding hands; tree; leaf,organic, vein in leaf separating words

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Class Notes: R 11/13/08

Project #2 Due today
No  class R 11/20/08

Self Portrait Project

Portrait Image:

Movie Clip:

Eric Brevig
Journey to the Center of the Earth

Word From Title:


"A process or course likened to traveling; a passage: the journey of life."


Portrait Project Final:

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Review: Design Thinking in the Credit Crunch

There is an opportunity to be creative in coming up with products that might appeal to the consumer in a recession. One of the ideas is Credit Crunch Cookies. They are "an inexpensive way of having a treat when times are tough."

Ask yourself what consumer behaviors will change now that we are in a recession and what new products can target those behaviors.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Class Notes: T 11/6/08

Blog review
Continue working on project

Blog reviews:

Core77-Frustration in opening up packages has led to new invention
Core77-enviro friendly umbrella drier

Terrafugia- car/airplane
Poloroid Pogo printer

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Class Notes: T 11/4/08

Blog Reviews:
Danny searches for design he appreciates. Told us about the stages of developing countries.
Mario Brothers & Drum design

Select Edge work with lasso km.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Review"A Day In The Life Of A Networked Designer's Smart Things Or A Day In A Designer's Networked Smart Things, 2030" by Tom Klinkowstein, and others

"A Day In The Life Of A Networked Designer's Smart Things Or A Day In A Designer's Networked Smart Things, 2030" by Tom Klinkowstein, and others.
A detailed "diagrammatic narrative" about the future of design. 

The opening at The Rosenberg Gallery, Calkins Hall, was attended by faculty and students alike. Prof. Klinkowstein gave an informative talk on the piece and answered questions. The ingenious work is meant to be read from right to left and depicts the a typical day in the designer's life, both personal and career. A visual network allows the viewer to read the details from each of the designer's networked devices which keep her abreast of her schedule, travel plans, social life, and personal life.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Class Notes: T 10/28/08

Speaker Lyle Owerko 10/30/08, 3p
Blog presentations
Demo on 3rd part of 2nd assignment
Rough versions due next Thursday


Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Things that have already existed have been repackaged and reinvented- ducment, plastic bottles and clothing.


*ethnographic research

Crop background 8X8 and save as jpeg.

Use pen tools and paths:
1. Go to Windows paths which shows you path
2. Drag it to the dotted circle
3. Copy it
4. Go bake to layers and its layer. Make  a new layer.
5. Open texture file, resize it and paste it into it.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Speaker: Lyle Owerko, filmmaker, photographer

October 30 2008

Lyle Owerko gave an insightful and inspirational talk about the development of his career and his thoughts on how we as design students might make the most of our journey in the design world. He discussed how design is making something out of our consciences, which is constantly evolving, using the different elements that we're into at the time. He considers himself foremost a photographer and is inspired by light, particular images and music. He encouraged us to be very observant and engaged in the world and to create work from our experiences. His typical day seems to differ each day but some things never change. He always has his camera with him and he is constantly checking his email and texts. Because he has different projects going on his job seems very interesting. He does a lot of meetings with other designers to discuss ideas for current and future projects. I liked the fact that he show us how his interests and passions led to paying assignments. Also what is admirable is his insistance on the importance of giving back something to your community or even the world community. He encouraged us to be continually creative in an active sense, not simply waiting for an assignment but to design something now. I enjoyed his presentation very much because I was able to see the possibility of a career forged out of different interests. I also liked his use of a PowerPoint presentation to share with us his design journey and examples of his work and inspirational images.

Lyle Owerko's website: